You want to be found more easily by your customers and increase your sales?

We are a digital marketing agency, specializing in SEO optimization. That means we know exactly what optimization techniques to apply to make your website visible online, and you can enjoy the results you want. Through search engine optimization, your website can grow organically, reaching the top positions in Google. The SEO services that we offer you are carried out in several stages and are carried out over a minimum period of 6-8 months. During this period of time, optimizations within the site (on-page and technical) are carried out, as well as optimizations outside it, through link building campaigns. Let’s take a look at what exactly these SEO services entail and why we think you need them!


Basically, as you already know, SEO is all about making a website more efficient in order to rank higher in search engines. An unoptimised or incorrectly optimised site will be difficult for users to find because of its content and unstable structure. And that can be a death sentence for online businesses.

When you have an online business it is mandatory to be visible and attract traffic to your website. SEO services help you in this direction. By configuring your website content according to search engine algorithms, you maximize visibility and accessibility and, of course, awareness and sales.

For most online businesses, Google is the most important driver of website traffic. And that’s because the evolution of technology has changed the way people shop. According to statistics, almost 90% of consumers search for desired products on Google, and their presence in the top search engine results is a decisive factor in their purchase.

This means that the presence of your website there puts it in front of consumers. Otherwise, you run the risk of not being visible and only getting traffic from other sources, such as paid traffic. Users who don’t know about your site will be limited and, no matter what offers you market, you will sell less.

If you have too little website traffic, want more online sales, or want your website to rank higher in Google searches, you need SEO services. Search engine optimization is not just a recommendation, but an indispensable method of online promotion. Basically, without SEO, your audience has no way of reaching you.


In SEO, it’s all about understanding traffic and user behaviour – what people search for online, how you can target them, what words best match their search intent.

For example, we can say that a user searching for general terms such as “pizza” does not have a well-defined intent. His search could have various reasons, which we do not know. Are they looking for recipes, restaurants or images of pizza? Instead, the search for “pizza delivery” has a strong intent, the reason for the user’s search being simple to deduce – he is interested in a nearby pizza shop that delivers.

What he does next is crucial in understanding his behaviour. If, from the results that the search returns, the user accesses a certain page, but quickly leaves it because he does not find what he is interested in, he will be disappointed and the site will register a low bounce rate. Not only that, the user might leave a negative review or avoid the site in the future.

However, if the page you are accessing understands and anticipates his intent, you will be able to provide him with a satisfying shopping experience and ultimately convert him into a customer.

So, based on understanding user intent, your website should apply the most effective strategies to get people not only to visit the site, but also to take an action once they land on the page. These strategies are determined after an SEO audit.

In order to design the most appropriate optimization strategies, all elements of the site are taken into account in the audit stage, from content and structure, to meta descriptions, videos and links, as their condition influences the health of the site from an SEO point of view. And because all these elements are indexed by search engines, they must be well in place.

Therefore, the SEO audit is the starting point of an SEO campaign and contains the on-page SEO audit (evaluation of the site from a technical and content point of view) and the off-page SEO audit (evaluation of links and how the site is viewed from the outside).


On-page SEO is just one part of online promotion and consists of changes made to the code of a page in order for it to be optimized and indexed correctly in search engines, as well as to give end users a preview of the site they are accessing in the SERP.

In the on-page optimisation stage, the quality and overall structure of the content as well as the performance of the page are taken into account.

In order for search engines to return a particular site as a relevant result when someone searches for its services or products, the first rule of on-page optimization is to use on-page terms that best describe the search interest (keywords). This increases the likelihood of reaching users interested in what the site has to offer.

Consequently, on-page optimization focuses on finding the most appropriate keywords around which to build the site’s content and making it clear to search engines that the page is about the chosen terms. However, aggressive use of keywords is not recommended.

Here are some elements of on-page optimization!


Title tag

This tag is an HTML tag containing the description of the content of a web page. It is also the first element that a search engine encounters when visiting a website, so it is important that the website makes a good first impression by optimising it with the right keywords.


Meta description

This element appears in the SERP, immediately after the title, and describes the content of the page to which it refers. Although it is not used by search engines to determine the ranking of the site, it may or may not persuade users to click on it, based on the terms they searched for.



On-page content is a critical component of on-page optimization. It is what search engine crawlers use to associate the page with a set of keywords. Without it, crawlers won’t know what the site is about. Not to mention that it’s vital for users.



The speed of the site determines how much time the user will spend on the page and whether they will take the desired actions (subscribe to newsletter, add to cart, purchase). If the site loads slowly, the user will leave it without thinking too long, looking for the next best result.



Errors such as broken links, hidden text, non-optimized images, 5xx and 4xx errors, duplicate pages or content, etc., can occur at any time, which is why the site should be scanned frequently. These errors can have a negative impact on the site’s ranking, so fixing them is imperative.


Off-page SEO refers to special SEO strategies used to improve a site’s position in organic search engine results. In principle, off-page SEO is associated with link building, but it is more than that.

At this stage of the optimization work is being done to create a collection of advertorials and articles that link back to the optimized site, as well as mentions on the personal blog and in Social Media. This collection of links helps to strengthen the authority of the site in the eyes of search engines and therefore to obtain a higher ranking. An effective off-page optimization campaign will focus on the quantity, diversity and quality of backlinks.

Because Google aims to satisfy the needs of users by displaying only relevant results when they search for a particular topic, in order to be considered by the search engine, a site must have quality links that link to it. The more valuable the material, the higher the potential for display.

Here are some elements of off-page optimization!


Quantity of links

In order to get top positions, the focus must be on links because much of Google’s algorithm is based on them. Basically, links are the recommendations a site receives from other sites and the more recommendations it receives, the better it is seen by Google.


Quality of links

Quality links increase a page’s authority and trust in search engines, which increases the overall authority of the site. In addition, links help search engines match a page’s relevance to specific keywords based on the terms used in the link anchor.


Google Penalties

The anchor is the visible text within a link, which the user can click on to go to another site. The more relevant the anchor text is to the page it links to, the easier it is for the user to navigate and for Google to interpret and index the content of that page.


Advertorial campaigns

A Google penalty means a sudden drop in traffic and search engine rankings. There are many reasons why Google can penalize a site, including duplicate content, spammy backlinks, hidden links in the page, too high keyword density, etc.



An advertorial campaign is one of the most effective forms of advertising. By posting original and interesting articles in the most visible places on the internet – in online newspapers, niche blogs, local websites, large portals – the website gets notoriety and a top position in search engines.


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